How Does Cupping Therapy Encourage Healing?

Cupping therapy has seen a recent surge in popularity among physical therapists. Professional athletes have also called attention to this treatment for its healing properties. Most prominently, Michael Phelps relying on this therapy for muscle tension relief during the 2016 Summer Olympics. Although cupping has many benefits, this type of manual therapy is not for…

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Why Ankle Injuries Should Not Be Ignored

If you trip and roll your ankle, it may not seem too serious. Initially, you might experience swelling or minor discomfort but can still walk on it. You continue to go to work and exercise but while the pain may lessen, it never completely goes away. An estimated 28,000 people injure their ankle each year,…

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Preventing 9 Common Baseball Injuries

Although baseball is a slower-paced activity, the sport involves repetitive movements like throwing and swinging. As a result, players can experience overuse and related injuries, starting at the youth level. If you’re on a team or are the parent of a baseball player, here’s what you should know about potential injuries. Types of Baseball Injuries…

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5 Common Soccer Injuries & How to Prevent Them

Soccer is a popular activity, whether you enjoy the occasional weekend game or your child plays through school. While this sport teaches control and teamwork, players are also vulnerable to acute and cumulative conditions. These include falls, collisions and repeating particular motions that place stress on a joint. During the season, keep the following conditions…

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How Athletic Hand and Wrist Injuries Can Occur

Oftentimes, hand and wrist injuries can be the result of repetitive motion, such as regular keyboard use. Athletes can also experience these conditions, which can have a domino effect from the sports field into their daily lives. Roughly one-quarter of all sports injuries involve the hand or wrist. If caught early, an athlete can heal…

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