Physical Therapy for Stiff Joints

Stiff joints are often considered an inevitable part of aging but can significantly affect our mobility. These conditions should be addressed to help you perform everyday activities with less pain, from rotating your shoulder to taking a leisurely walk. Physical therapy can help manage the discomfort and limitations of having stiff joints. Here’s what you…

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Causes of Chronic Back Pain

Back pain can affect people of all ages, due to poor posture and sedentary living. Yet as we age, the condition is more likely to become chronic and affect quality of life. An estimated 80 percent of Americans experience back pain and roughly eight percent develop a chronic case. If you haven’t found long-lasting relief,…

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How Does a Muscle Knot Form?

Muscle knots can result in varying degrees of pain, soreness, tenderness or tightness. These sensations may stem from lifestyle habits like poor posture, incorrect form or repetitive motions. In certain cases, muscle knots are a sign of myofascial pain syndrome, a chronic condition potentially related to overuse that causes referred pain in other parts of…

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What Is a Rotator Cuff Injury?

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that helps keep the shoulder joint together. It allows the upper bone to securely sit in the socket and enables full range of motion. Due to the amount of wear placed on the shoulder, rotator cuff injuries are common and often associated with repetitive-motion activities….

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Potential Injuries from Slipping and Falling on Ice

As the days grow colder, the chances that you’ll encounter slippery pavement increase. You could be walking down your front steps, driveway or shoveling snow and fall down on icy ground. A range of injuries can result, from bruising and sprains to a concussion or broken bones. Understand potential injuries associated with this wintertime hazard…

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