Did you know that physical therapy can play an integral role in treating urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti and pelvic pain? Physical therapy prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum can help a woman address pelvic floor strength, pelvic and lumbar alignment and core stability that can aid in prevention and or treatment of the above diagnosis.
Meet Pamela Leacu
Pamela Leacu, MSPT, OCS, CIDN, CMP is a Physical Therapist at Integrated Rehabilitation Services in the Vernon office, who has a special interest in treating orthopedic diagnosis related to the pelvis, such as low back pain and hip pain. She has further expanded her education to include treatment of the pelvic floor.
Urinary Incontinence & Pelvic Pain
As Pamela has been treating these orthopedic conditions, she has found that many of her patients also have complaints of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain. Patients may have been dealing with these issues for years postpartum and they’ve gone unaddressed. She is finding success integrating her orthopedic background with treating diagnosis related to women’s health issues.
“I want women to know that urinary incontinence and pelvic pain are not symptoms we need to learn to live with! There is treatment that can help and it is never too late to address these concerns.”
Pamela is continuing her education with classes taken through Herman and Wallace and the APTA to further expand her knowledge in treating pregnancy related and postpartum conditions and is excited to offer treatment for these conditions in the Vernon office.