Better, Faster, Stronger

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are health care professionals who specialize in the prevention, recognition, management and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. They work closely with physicians and coaches to ensure that athletes compete safely, to their highest potential.
athletic training

Our athletic trainers have successfully passed the National Board of Certification exam, are licensed in the state of Connecticut and participate in continuing education to maintain their professional certification.

In the Community

Applying Kinesiology tape

Integrated Rehab partners with local high schools to provide athletic training services for student athletes. Through these partnerships, our ATs provide the expertise needed to make sure athletes return safely to sports after an illness or injury.

Integrated Rehab proudly serves Ellington, Coventry, Bolton, Stafford and East Catholic High Schools. Throughout the athletic seasons, our ATs are on-site sports medicine experts, and help direct care for injured athletes.

ATs perform injury assessments, provide practice and game coverage, assist with injury rehabilitation, and supervise return to play protocols following concussion diagnosis or COVID-19.

Throughout the sports season, ATs maintain detailed records of sports injuries and create valuable end-of-season injury summaries that are discussed with coaches and athletic directors. If injury trends are observed, recommendations are made to potentially reduce injuries in the future.

Athlete education regarding nutrition is also provided, including our after-school “Hydration Stations”, where student athletes can enjoy fruit-infused water and healthy snacks to fuel their bodies prior to taking the fields.

For more information on improving athletic performance,
View our Sports Medicine page