What Does It Mean to Roll Your Ankle?
If your foot has ever slipped off a curb at an awkward angle or you’ve lost your balance, the injury was likely described as “rolling your ankle”. In the aftermath, it felt sore or looked swollen. In many cases, rolling your ankle is a casual expression to describe a sprain. Here’s what you should know…
Why Ankle Injuries Should Not Be Ignored
If you trip and roll your ankle, it may not seem too serious. Initially, you might experience swelling or minor discomfort but can still walk on it. You continue to go to work and exercise but while the pain may lessen, it never completely goes away. An estimated 28,000 people injure their ankle each year,…
How Do Ankle Injuries Happen?
Some people consider ankle injuries strictly an athletic issue. However, sprains, strains and fractures can happen to anyone when you twist or turn your ankle in an awkward position. How do ankle injuries occur? A soft tissue injury, sprain or strain happens when the ligaments supporting the bones get stretched or torn beyond their usual…
Why Do My Feet Hurt?
Despite proper footwear, you find your feet still hurt at the end of the day. You seem to be taking good care of your feet, so why the discomfort? Even when you wear the correct shoes for different activities, foot pain is often caused by several factors. Physical therapy can help ease your aching feet…
Preparing for a Marathon
Strategies to Keep Your Strength and Avoid Injuries The Hartford Marathon, one of the region’s top racing events, is scheduled for October 10th. With this marathon only a few weeks away, you should already be preparing. Because of their length, marathons require a 16- to 20-week training schedule. Of course, you should already be a…