Stretches for Pinched Nerve Pain
When a nerve root is compressed, damaged or inflamed, you certainly feel it. Commonly known as a pinched nerve, this condition results in numbness, tingling, weakness or a painful sensation, typically around the neck, shoulders or somewhere along the spine. What Causes a Pinched Nerve? Nerve signals in the body have been aggravated, amplified or…
Top Causes of Lower Back Pain
At some point in your life, you are likely to experience lower back pain. Yet, there is a big difference between temporary pain that goes away in a matter of days and chronic pain, which can last months or a lifetime. Depending on the severity of the pain, problems with the lower back can prevent…
How to Avoid 5 Common Golf Injuries
Golf swing involves not only the arms, but the whole body. After 18 holes of repetitive body rotation, you can put undue stress on your muscles if you do not have proper form. Common golf injuries can result, including back, shoulder, wrist, elbow and knee pain. How can golfers avoid pain that keeps them from…
Treating Text Neck & Other Modern Conditions
In the age of technology, people are constantly on their phones. According to research, we check our phones about 50 times per day! Although these electronics have become a part of our overall culture, excessive texting, web surfing and social media scrolling can take a toll on our bodies. While many would be unable to…
How Hidden Habits Affect Your Lifestyle
Could your everyday actions be causing chronic pain? Our motions from morning to night are often subconscious. You leave the house and throw your bag over the same shoulder; the phone rings and you answer it with the same hand; you get to the office and cross the same leg over the other and so…