Physical Therapist Assistant
Steve is a Physical Therapist Assistant at Integrated Rehabilitation Services who pursued his BS in Exercise Science after becoming interested in weight training his senior year of high school. He has since worked in the fitness world with everyone from youth athletes and weekend warriors to the weight room with collegiate athletes at Western New England University. He obtained his degree as a PTA when he realized the importance of rehabilitation along with preventative medicine. He enjoys helping individuals with their rehabilitation process, getting them back to the sports or activities they want to participate in, and educating them on how to remain healthy.
Evidence in Motion Specialty Certification in Orthopedics
Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP)
Sportsmetrics Certified (CSMS)
Functional Movement Screen Certified (FMS)
Functional Movement Techniques Certified (FMT)
Precision Nutrition L1 Certified (Pn1)
BS, Westfield State University
PTA, Springfield Technical Community College