Improve Your Game
Our Golf Performance Program is designed to familiarize participants with the basic biomechanics of the classic golf swing, applying current research regarding physical conditioning and golf training to enhance performance and reduce injury risk.
How Does the Program Work?
Each participant will learn how corrective exercises can improve golf performance and reduce the risk of injury.
The participant will receive:
- Warm-up and flexibility techniques specific to golf
- Body fault assessment
- Specific plan for improvement
- Conditioning program incorporating specific body faults
Our Golf Performance Program is available to groups or individuals of all fitness levels.
What Are The Expected Results?
For new and seasoned players alike, it’s critical to know the best practices to prevent injury.
The goal of our Golf Performance Program is to help participants:
- Increase mobility and flexibility
- Improve backswing, downswing and follow-through
- Enhance stance and balance
- Increase core and limb strength
- Decrease risk of injury
During the course of our Golf Performance Program, our physical therapists will identify body faults keeping participants from progressing to the next level of the game. A body fault is an area from the neck down to the toes that does not allow normal mechanics of the golf swing to occur, often leading to a swing fault. Body faults typically occur because of poor joint mobility or muscle flexibility. Unidentified body/swing faults often lead to injury.
Our PTs have the extensive knowledge needed to correct these faults and help players make the necessary adjustments. We are experts in how the body moves!
To learn more about our Golf Performance Program,
Contact Us Today