Treat the Source of Your Pain
The McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy™ is an active patient treatment philosophy for back, neck and extremity problems.
Developed in the 1960s by New Zealand physical therapist Robin McKenzie, this specialized method emphasizes patient empowerment and self-treatment. At Integrated Rehab, we have several physical therapists certified in the McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy™ to help patients alleviate back and neck pain.

Initial Assessment
Most spinal pain is thought to be mechanical in nature. As such, most patients will show predictable behavioral patterns in response to pain and loss of function, and, in turn, be classified accordingly.
During the initial assessment utilizing the McKenzie Method, practitioners evaluate the patient’s response to specific movements and/or positions to determine the appropriate classification system. Once the classification system is confirmed, the most effective course of treatment is initiated.
The McKenzie Method groups patients that present with mechanical pain into three main syndromes. These syndromes have a specific system of management that targets the cause of pain. This classification to address mechanical pain benefits the patient by eliminating the need for expensive or invasive procedures that may not address their spinal syndrome. Patients who present with signs and symptoms that are not mechanical in nature will require a different course of treatment.
Active Patient Philosophy
The McKenzie Method is widely known for its emphasis on self-treatment. Robin McKenzie believed that when patients understand how their bodies work and respond to pain, they can be in more control of these symptoms. Our physical therapists teach patients at-home exercises to help them maintain proper body mechanics and a healthier lifestyle outside the clinic.
The McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy™ is a safe and reliable way to evaluate and accurately reach a diagnosis.
To initiate an appropriate treatment plan and return to a pain-free lifestyle,
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