What Causes Tight Hip Flexors?

You may have heard a reference to “tight hip flexors” during a yoga class or other fitness program. Yet this condition is about more than tight muscles that need to be stretched back out. If unaddressed, they can reduce your range of motion and lead to a more serious injury. How Hip Flexor Injuries Occur…

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Jobs Associated with Repetitive Motion Injuries

Whenever a task is performed repeatedly with the same muscle groups, there’s risk for a repetitive motion injury. Also known as a repetitive strain injury (RSI), this condition may arise through certain job duties such as typing or repeating the same motion with a single tool. From construction workers to computer programmers, certain roles can…

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Why Shoulder Pain Shouldn’t Be Ignored

If you feel soreness or notice a clicking sound when you move your shoulder, you may think you worked out too hard and the issue will go away with some rest. Unfortunately, ignoring aches, pinching or a lack of fluidity does not make it disappear and, with time, the issue will likely worsen. You may…

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How Do Repetitive Motion Injuries Occur?

We need our hands for work, leisure and various tasks in between! Yet, we often don’t think about how these areas of the body consist of a network of nerves, tendons, muscles and over 25 bones. These components assist with movement, no matter how simple or complicated. Yet, overuse can damage these tissues, resulting in…

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What Can Happen When You Ignore a Muscle Injury?

After a workout or demanding sports practice, sore muscles are to be expected. While you’ve likely heard the phrase “No pain, no gain”, you also know that not all discomfort is created equal. “Good” pain often falls under the category of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which occurs six to eight hours after your workout…

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