Athletic Injuries Have Increased During the Pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, schools and workplaces closed across the country. As a result of these lockdowns, team sports were paused at local high schools. For about 6 months, many student athletes participated in minimal activity, meeting once a week or not at all. When restrictions started being lifted, there was…

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Understanding Hip Injuries for Athletes

When most people think of hip injuries, they imagine someone elderly experiencing a fall. Yet among children and adults, hip injuries often result from physical activities that involve a greater degree of impact, running and risk of falls. If you think you’re susceptible to a hip injury, here’s what you should know. How Hip Injuries…

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Why Shoulder Pain Shouldn’t Be Ignored

If you feel soreness or notice a clicking sound when you move your shoulder, you may think you worked out too hard and the issue will go away with some rest. Unfortunately, ignoring aches, pinching or a lack of fluidity does not make it disappear and, with time, the issue will likely worsen. You may…

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How Knee Injuries Can Affect Student Athletes

Knee injuries, whether from long-term wear and tear or sudden trauma, can affect anyone. Yet they are a particular concern for student athletes and have been known to end budding careers before they can take off. Certain actions and activities put student and professional athletes at risk, including: Repetitive actions like running, walking and cycling…

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What Can Happen When You Ignore a Muscle Injury?

After a workout or demanding sports practice, sore muscles are to be expected. While you’ve likely heard the phrase “No pain, no gain”, you also know that not all discomfort is created equal. “Good” pain often falls under the category of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which occurs six to eight hours after your workout…

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