How Serious Are Soft Tissue Injuries?

Soft tissue injuries occur when the body’s muscles, tendons or ligaments experience a degree of trauma. Oftentimes, these injuries happen suddenly – for instance, stepping too sharply and spraining an ankle – or may occur gradually as a result of overuse. Many people experience soft tissue injuries when they don’t let their muscles fully recover…

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How Physical Therapy Can Improve Heart Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one in every four deaths can be attributed to heart disease. In response to these figures, heart health should be a priority year-round. Begin your efforts with lifestyle changes, such as eating right, quitting smoking, lessening stress and exercising. Simply going to the gym might not be…

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Stretches for Pinched Nerve Pain

When a nerve root is compressed, damaged or inflamed, you certainly feel it. Commonly known as a pinched nerve, this condition results in numbness, tingling, weakness or a painful sensation, typically around the neck, shoulders or somewhere along the spine. What Causes a Pinched Nerve? Nerve signals in the body have been aggravated, amplified or…

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It’s Time to Get Moving!

In today’s fast-paced world, our lives are so busy that we often ignore everyday nagging pains. Whether your back, neck or knee is causing discomfort, turning a blind eye to the initial signs something is wrong could turn a small problem into a bigger issue. Normally, we wait until an injury occurs before seeing a…

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Tips for Shoulder Injury Rehab

Shoulder injuries are among the most commonly reported in emergency rooms each year. Since the shoulder is the most moveable joint in the human body, it is can also be one of the most unstable. Some of the most prevalent shoulder conditions include rotator cuff tears, cartilage tears, frozen shoulder and osteoarthritis. If your injury…

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